What does suffering have to do with the Gospel? Christianity, especially in its Protestant incarnations, can sometimes seem relentlessly upbeat. But life can be tragic. Do we jump too quickly from the cross to the empty tomb? Can you even have Easter without Good Friday?
Every Tuesday evening we gather together to talk about what it means to be Jesus’ disciples in contemporary Melbourne. Sometimes that’s a Bible Study, sometimes something more thematic, and sometimes something more reflective.
We eat together at 7pm - bring your own dinner, or buy something from one of the many takeaway options on the street - and the “serious bit” begins at 8. We’re done by 9:15
You can read more about what we do, what we have done, and who we are are our (other) website
We gather in COVID-Safe ways. Read more about what that means for us here
Image: Kramskoĭ, Ivan Nikolaevich, 1837-1887. Christ in the Wilderness, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. https://diglib.library.vanderbilt.edu/act-imagelink.pl?RC=54297 [retrieved March 16, 2023]. Original source: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kramskoi_Christ_dans_le_d%C3%A9sert.jpg.