The traditional theme for the 3rd Sunday in Advent is joy, or, if you enjoy a bit of the Latin, Gaudete. We shift from “living in the gap” to rejoicing at the imminent arrival of Jesus, the one sent by God.
This week, Al and Chris and Clare are leading the service.
(Usually communion is on the 3rd Sunday, but this week it will be a bit early because of our Christmas Party on the 3rd Tuesday instead. )
A contemplative Eucharist (aka communion). Music, prayer, contemplation, silence, communion. No matter if we are full or peace or chaotic, joyous or in despair, God can meet with us.
We eat a shared community meal on at 7pm on Communion Tuesdays, so don’t bring your own dinner. The spiritual bit happens from 8pm. Pay what you can afford, suggested donation $10, $15 if you would like a glass of wine.
Image: Beerhorst, Rick and Brenda. Peaceable Kingdom, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. [retrieved December 5, 2024]. Original source: