"When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who comes from the Father, he will testify on my behalf.” John 15:26
There are times in life when what you really need is a good lawyer. If the Devil has an Advocate, then you had better hope that God has a better one! Someone to be on your side as well as at your side when life is a trial.
Watch a trailer for The Devil's Advocate here
A contemplative Eucharist (aka communion). Music, prayer, contemplation, silence, communion. No matter if we are full or peace or chaotic, joyous or in despair, God can meet with us.
We eat a shared community meal on at 7pm on Communion Tuesdays, so don’t bring your own dinner. The spiritual bit happens from 8pm. Pay what you can afford, suggested donation $10, $15 if you would like a glass of wine.