Encounter God, encounter one another, encounter the tradition.
Here at Northcote Uniting Church we are pursuing these three encounters to build life-giving, generously orthodox, Christian spiritual community. What does it mean to be Jesus’ people in this time and place?
We are an open and affirming church.
Regular Spiritual Community
Tuesday Gathering: Every Tuesday, we gather at 7-9:15 pm . We talk, we eat and drink, we pray, we study the Bible together. We are affirming, life-transforming, Spiritual community for one another, seeking to be a blessing in and to Northcote, devoted to the question of what the Gospel means in our context. On the third Tuesday we have a shared meal together, followed by communion.
Taizé Prayer: On the first Saturday of the month (except January) we host a Taizé prayer. Singing. Silence. Pizza . And often trombones! Taizé is an ecumenical community in eastern France, where thousands of young people gather every year. It has developed a unique way of worshipping & praying together. You can read more about it here.
The Choir and The Evensong Initiative: Our choir practices every Wednesday during term times at 7:30pm. No experience required, all levels welcome! Four times a year, we will drink deep from the wells of Christian Spirituality with our Evensong service.
Rev. Alister, our minister, has a blog. It will help to explain the sort of place we are.
You may also enjoy our current series Back to Basics.
What happened to Chalice, you might ask? Since a new congregation has re-planted the church, we felt that a new name was required to explain who we are and what we are about. So, we have retired the name Chalice and opted for Northcote Uniting Church.
Structural Damage to the Church Building
As of Friday 28/4/23 the main part of the church building is closed due to structural problems. The hall is still in use, as are the office and the toilet in the church. You can read more about it here.
Keep in the Loop
We’d love to keep you updated with our various doings! You can sign up for our email list here.
Featured Events
We invite you to join us as, through beautiful music, silence, and hearing the word, we are invited into the presence of God.
Upcoming Regular Events at Northcote Uniting Church
I do not call you servants any longer, because the servant does not know what the master is doing, but I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father. John 15:15
Join us for our annual retreat at Santa Casa
Then looking up to heaven, he sighed and said to him, ‘Ephphatha’, that is, ‘Be opened.’ And immediately his ears were opened, his tongue was released, and he spoke plainly. Mark 7:34-35
What would it mean if Jesus said to you: be opened? What is the invitation here, what is the challenge?
Join us for our take on the ancient tradition of ashing to start off the season of Lent.
Transformative, engaged community every Tuesday. Deconstruct and reconstruct your faith with us!
We invite you to join us as, through beautiful music, silence, and hearing the word, we are invited into the presence of God.
No matter if we are full or peace or chaotic, joyous or in despair, God can meet with us.
This is our regular monthly Eucharist (aka Communion or The Lord’s Supper)
Transformative, engaged community every Tuesday. Deconstruct and reconstruct your faith with us!
No matter if we are full or peace or chaotic, joyous or in despair, God can meet with us.
This is our regular monthly Eucharist (aka Communion or The Lord’s Supper)